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Internships and Employment

“Being an intern at Hasbro taught me how professional environments work. Landmark College gave me the technical skills I needed, but actually understanding how businesses work will get me ahead.”

— Bobby Christopher ’18, Computer Science, Hasbro, Inc. Intern

Bobby Christopher at internship job

We believe in educating the whole student and making sure you are ready for what lies beyond Landmark College. The internship and employment opportunities we offer are tailored to fit your level of job skills and experience. Click on any of the options below to learn more.

  • Why just earn a paycheck when you can also be honing your communication skills, strengthening your time management abilities, and develop as a leader? Landmark College Works, our campus student employment program, puts the foundational building blocks in place for you to land an internship or your first professional job. With a focus on helping students see the connections between their work and academics, Landmark College Works offers new employee orientations, bi-annual performance evaluations, and other professional development opportunities. And just like we teach differently in the classroom, we also supervise student employees differently, focusing on your individual learning needs and helping you develop tools for future success.

    Questions about Landmark College Works? Email [email protected]

  • With the “new to the workforce” student in mind, LC offers a short-term, intensive Employment Readiness Experience (ERE) that pairs an on-campus job experience with classroom work focusing on communication, professional skills, and career exploration. The Employment Readiness Experience is a building block to get students one step closer to landing an internship or job after Landmark College.

    Summer 2020 ERE Participants, from left to right: Martha Meigs, Sophia Spraggins, Maddie Tice, and Chloe Rogers
    Four 2020 Summer ERE students are (from left to right) Martha Meigs, Sophia Spraggins, Maddie Tice, and Chloe Rogers.

    We at Career Connections, as well as Professor Jeanette Landin, want to congratulate this Summer’s ERE students

    Chloe Rogers, Katie Hoder, Maddie Tice, Martha Meigs, and Sophia Spraggins

    on completing the ERE experience and we hope that their success inspires you to join their ranks.

    Sophia (ERE 2020) was kind enough to share an exposé of her project and its positive impact on the Landmark College community.

    Developing a Digital Citizenship Campaign

    This summer, Sophia Spraggins worked with the Office of Student Affairs to engage in an Employment Readiness Experience (ERE) internship. After a great deal of discussion and cooperation, Sophia chose a subject that was important to her: Digital Citizenship. She first learned about the topic in her Digital Literacy class, taught by Alicia Beth. Sophia chose to focus on several aspects of the subject matter and these were included in the campaign she developed.

    Because Sophia had an interest in communications, and a desire to inform her fellow students, she determined that utilizing the campus radio station was a great place to start. With the cooperation of Daniel Molster, WLMC’s station manager, Sophia was able to record five public service announcements (PSAs) for the purpose of broadcasting to the campus. These PSAs addressed five areas of importance that instructed students about safe behavior when using the internet. These areas, known as the 5 Ps, are: Profile, Permission, Privacy, Protection, and Positivity.

    After several weeks of development, Sophia wrote a PSA for the five subjects. Each one of her PSAs were 30 seconds, as required by the radio station. Working with Daniel, she was able to record all PSAs and schedule them for airtime. The PSAs began running in July.

    Once Part I of her project was complete, she then moved on to the next informational phase, Part II, which was developing a Code of Conduct for student internet users. This statement addressed how important it is for students to be ethical and responsible in their internet use. Sophia then recorded this information as another PSA.

    Finally, she decided to use inter-campus television screens to get the message out. The Code of Conduct now scrolls on television screens in the Student Center, the Dining Hall, and the Click Center. Sophia’s radio PSAs will continue to provide important guidance for students’ use of the internet, today and tomorrow.


    – Sophia Spraggins
    AA in Business
    LC Class of 2022

    Download the Spring 2025 Employment Readiness Experience Information Packet

    Employment Readiness Experience Application for Spring 2025

  • Career Connections can help students identify opportunities and maintains a growing list of resources, internships, and employer partners.

    photograph from the Neurodiversty at Work Luncheon event

    photograph from the Neurodiversty at Work Luncheon event

    Career Connections hosted a luncheon for their esteemed campus guests: Jamell Michell of EY’s Neurodiversity’s Center of Excellence and Anthony Pacilio of Autism 2 Work at Computer Aid right and left respectively in center.

    We currently have partnerships with:

    • Hasbro, Inc.
    • JPMorgan Chase & Co.
    • BroadFutures
    • InventiveLabs
    • BioTek
    • Vermont Genetics Network
    • C & S Wholesale Grocers
    • VT Established Programs to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR)
    • The Greenwood School (VT)
    • The Wolf School (RI)

    Career Connections also collaborates with the Landmark Advisory Research Council to identify employers that embrace neurodiversity and offer internship employment opportunities across the country. 
    We greatly appreciate their volunteer efforts to support in this endeavor.

    The Six College Collaborative Internship Program & BDCC Partnership

    Through the Six College Collaborative Internship Program, the Brattleboro Development Credit Corporation (BDCC), has helped us build partnerships with area businesses to create paid internships and aid the experiential education of LC students.

    Area businesses we have worked with in an effort to provide skill-building opportunities that include:

    • Farnum Cellulose
    • Fulflex Elastrometrics, Inc.
    • The Gathering Place
    • Vermont Roadworks
    • Sidehill Farm Jams
    • Allen Brothers Farms

    These opportunities are in addition to other local relationships with businesses such as The Stone Trust, Vermont/New Hampshire Veterinary Clinic, Antidote Books, The Putney Co-op, and Putney Central School.

    On-Campus Internships

    Landmark College is continually growing its on-campus internship program to offer students professional opportunities right here. Students have interned in offices across campus, including:

    • Landmark College Institute for Research and Training
    • Enrollment Services
    • Marketing & Communications
    • Career Connections
    • Student Activities
    • Academic Departments: Math, Natural Sciences, and Studio Arts
    • High School Summer Programs
    • Residence Life
    • WLMC Radio Station

    Interested in any of the above opportunities? Make an appointment with Career Connections!

  • An internship at Landmark College is a career-related, credit-bearing experience that can provide mentorship, training, and exposure in a given field. We are committed to providing the resources required for students to access experiential learning opportunities and put into practice what they are learning in the classroom.

    Students pursuing credit-bearing internships must follow the Academic Affairs Internship Policy. Proposals for credit-bearing internships must be submitted for approval by May 13 for fall and summer internships and December 2 for spring.

    Limited on-campus housing is available for students who are interning locally during the summer. For information about housing and tuition for summer internships, see the Summer Sessions webpage.

    The first step for any student interested in pursuing an internship is to schedule an appointment with Career Connections. Staff in the Career Connections office are available to support students in identifying internship opportunities and with the resume, cover letter, and interview preparation they will need in order to apply and be competitive.

    Similar to workplace expectations for professionalism, internships require students to have the independent work, self-advocacy, and time-management skills needed to be successful. Academic Advisors play an important role in helping students to determine readiness, identify how an internship might fit in with their academic plan, and adhere to the Internship Policy for credit.

    Questions about Landmark College’s Academic Internship Policy?

    Jill Hinckley
    Dean of the School of Education
    [email protected]

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